How do I get saved from the curse of the law? How do I get saved from being forever separated from God? How do I get saved from the Fires of Hell?
1. Admit that you have broken God’s Law.
2. Ask God to forgive you.
3. Confess Jesus as the Son of God.
4. Confess that Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
5. Confess that Jesus arose from the dead.

The Bible says:
“For Salvation Testimony that comes from trusting Christ --- which is what we preach --- is already within easy reach of each of us; in fact, it is as near as our own hearts and mouths. For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation. For the Scriptures tell us that no one who believes in Christ will ever be disappointed. Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect; they all have the same Lord who generously gives his riches to all those who ask him for them. Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Try to describe your testimony as much as short and as simple as possible. Always focus on life after knowing Jesus and less describe life before Jesus. Christian testimonies include the facts that what problems were you facing before Christ and how is your life going now, after meeting Jesus. Salvation testimonies are very inspiring for others that don’t believe in Jesus that how Jesus rescues someone in life. Hearing Christian testimonies increase the faith in Jesus and also inspire person that don’t aware of Jesus. Hearing testimony is the start of knowledge about Christianity. You can ask a question to the speaker how Jesus change his life and how he converts to Christianity. Salvation testimonies are very informative and help to increase knowledge about Jesus. If you want to know about Jesus more and how Jesus changes lives you have to listen to Christian testimonies. Listening to Christian testimonies is better than reading for understanding the impact of Jesus. How Jesus rescues someone from any difficulty and changes his life is all described in salvation testimonies for the preaching of Christianity.