Real Life Stories Truckers Edition1 are being given away Freely through many Truck Stops across North America. If there is a Truck Stop near you, You can go in and get permission to place a Book Display like the one below, so Truckers and other people can freely take the books!
The Real Life Stories Truckers Edition 1 books can easily be used in a Truck Stop near you! It’s easy! You go to a Truck Stop. You Grab a hand full of Truckers books. You stand near the door the Truckers use to enter the Truck Stop and say “New Book For Truck Drivers, its Hot of the Press. Just printed. Here is Your Copy. I hope you enjoy it! It will be received with a big Truck Driver Smile, followed by a Big Thank You!! Prayerfully consider getting some of these books into the Truck Stops near Your city. By doing this you can make an Eternal Kingdom Difference in Your City!
Truck drivers ministries help to provide the gospel and testimonies to truck drivers. Usually, truck drivers have no time to attend any church testimony for enhancing their faith so truck ministries provide opportunities to these drivers for gospels and enhance their belief. Truck Drivers Ministry provides all the requirements to the drivers and their families for increasing their trust in Jesus. Every ministry influences a specific community by preaching the faith in Jesus. Truckers ministry guides the truck drivers that don’t have time to attend testimonies for enhancing their faith. Truck ministries provide food and other requirements to the truck drivers and their families. There are more than eight million truck drivers in the US that have less chance of listening to the testimonies and gospels. Truck driver ministry tries to increase their opportunity to listen to the gospel. Truckers’ ministry helps to bring the gospel and reality about Jesus to truck drivers and their relatives on truck stops. Truck ministry needs special assistance.