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Christian Testimonies provide Real Fact of Life


Real Life Stories Christian Testimonies books opens up an entire new harvest field, even to those individuals that have built up a giant stone wall around their heart and there doesn't seem to be anyway in.

Come with me back in time. I am twelve years old and that summer would be a very pivotal point in my life. My parents divorced and I recall crying, but not having any words to express how I felt. I was just sad, and that sadness grew into bitterness and anger. Being in that state of mind I became very reckless. Decisions that would ultimately leave me in a suicidal state of mind.

Against my better judgment I took a short cut home, and was crossing the creek at the golf course. I saw three young boys from my grandmother’s church playing there. Sadly, because of what happened next I judged the whole Christian Community and vowed I would never step foot in church again. There was a boy on either side of the bank, and one running down the middle after me. They wrapped them, called my mother and she got me to the hospital.

My summer continued to spiral out of control. The next event would steal all my self-esteem, and send me spiraling into the pits of hell. Against my parents wish’s I snuck down to the creek to meet an older boy. I was so immature; I had no idea how to get out of the situation I was in. This young man had his way with me and then was gone. My mind went numb, I cried for days and felt I couldn’t tell anyone. Who would believe me, I’m the one that started it by kissing him. That summer was the beginning of many wrong decisions. I decided that since I was now used goods, defiled and ugly that I had to settle for anything. So I started down a road of self- destruction. This road included drugs, robbery, men, alcohol, and ultimately came to an abrupt stop with an attempted suicide by drug over dose. Unless you have been that low in life, it’s hard to understand what happened. Satan loves to get you all by yourself and tells you that you are worthless. That no one understands the pain you are going through. That no one cares about you. When you are at that point in your life you can’t see what is truly happening. All you want is for the pain to stop and you don’t care how. She rushed me to the hospital and my life was spared. But spared for what? I wouldn’t figure that out till much later in life.

Fast forward some seventeen years. I’m around 35 years old, with a college degree and two awesome children. But so broken and Hard hearted. I’ve now experienced a failed marriage, numerous failed relationships and a complete nervous breakdown. I knew there had to be more to life than this .I had just started a new job at Frito Lay, and out of nowhere a good friend of mine came walking into the break room. I hadn’t seen Jim in a long while. I know that I know the Lord sent him back into my life, though I wouldn’t figure that out till much later as well. Jim began telling me about the grace of God and how it over came sin. I just couldn’t believe it, I felt so dirty that I didn’t think he could save me. But as the morning wore on and the Pastor spoke about a robe of righteousness, about having a relationship with Christ and how when I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior my sins would be washed away, and I would be made new. I just knew it had to be true. He also mentioned how there is always more grace in God than there is sin in us. I am so glad I accepted his offer of Grace.

I can’t believe I am no longer that cold hearted, drug addicted, rebellious, adulterous woman. Thank you Jesus that person was crucified with you. I became a Daughter to the Most High. Today I began a relationship with Jesus.

Jim and I began dating, but shortly into our relationship I got scared and tried to sabotage it. I went back to my old ways, committed adultery and betrayed my best friend. That night was the most agonizing night of my life. I knew I had made a terrible mistake and couldn’t remain in my old ways. I knew this was going to be a changing point in history, but I had no idea just how radical it would be. It took me over an hour to try and speak just a couple of sentences to Jim. Praise God, Jim sat patiently waiting while I worked this

Repentance matter out with Jesus and him. Jim reveled to me later that the Holy Spirit had come upon him and reveled to him what I had been trying to say for days. Jesus protected his heart, and if he would wait, I would be his rose waiting to bloom, and his soul mate. As I finally confessed my sins and waited for what I thought would be a very tragic end. I found I was so terribly wrong. At that moment I truly believe I saw the face of Jesus. At the beginning of this story I mentioned that I was angry with God and said, “If God is good, how he could have let those bad things happen?” Through life’s lessons I have learned that God is good, and it wasn’t God who made those things happen but Satan.

The Lord knows the back door to everyone's heart! Through Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books the stone wall can crumble and the light and truth of God can be revealed to them!


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