HI Jim and Carla,
Catherine, a woman in our fellowship who had begun blowing the shofar, felt led to pray, asking the Father if it was His will and calling for her to even do that. He led her to "the shofarman's" website (Jim Barbarossa of Porter, IND) and a teaching from 2006 which included prayer for a double-anointing! Her and her husband's lives (and ours!) have been beautifully changing since then!

Receiving his emails, she felt led to order several cases of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, encouraging us to pass them out. I gave two books, to a friend, asking if she would please share one with her shy upstairs renter, with whom she had been trying to share about the Lord. Sure enough, within several weeks, the shy reader identified with someone's story in the book and came to receive the Lord! Now calling her landlady "Mom", they've had devotions together, been part of a home Bible Study, started attending a church, and even invited us to her baptism where the pastor read her testimony!
We are encouraging these two to write and have their testimonies printed as a tri-fold pamphlet, and to be praying about how and when to share them and the Real Life Stories books!
Kay Watertown, NY Get Your Books Now!!!