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Real Life Stories Books Saying?


If I saw someone with pain in their body I would strike a conversation with them and then ask to pray with them for healing. I would get prophetic words and Words of knowledge for people. If Holy Spirit highlighted someone to me I would step out and talk with them. I was living an as you go lifestyle, but even that seemed to only take the gospel so far. Many people rejected prayer. I've been encountering numerous individuals that have been hurt by the church, so any mention of Jesus and they put a giant wall up. So many people in this world have been hurt by Christians or religion because they have watched people claiming to be christian and professing Christ, but their actions don't back up their belief, so ministering to these individuals that have been hurt by religion can be very difficult because they already see you as another one of those christians even if you are a true believer. With Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books this all changes! Because Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books are full of people's life stories and their testimonies of how through Jesus they were able to overcome their difficulties and struggles in life, it is seen as a relational item and not a religious item.

I've even had someone that I gave a book to tell me this very thing. That it is deep and relational. Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books opens up an entire new harvest field, even to those individuals that have built up a giant stone wall around their heart and there doesn't seem to be anyway in. The Lord knows the back door to everyone's heart! Through Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books the stone wall can crumble and the light and truth of God can be revealed to them! I want to tell everyone reading this, that even as an active prophetic believer, Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books have opened up many new doors, divine appointments, new harvest fields, and many more souls are being touched than before through these books!

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