The people you have just read about had to come to a place of knowing, understanding, and accepting the truth before their lives could be changed.
As you read through these “Truths” in the pages ahead, take time to think about your life. These truths, when received, invite you into a loving relationship with God that will bring you peace, joy, and personal transformation to discover and fulfill your life’s purpose and destiny.
Throughout the rest of this book, in between the many more “Real Life Stories,” we will share some of these truths with you.
Just had to share what God did today! It was Chicken Tuesday today at the Metro grocery store. So, after work I went inside to buy me a chicken. While standing at the hot deli counter, waiting for my chicken and sweet potato fries, I noticed a couple behind me. I started chitchatting with them about how cute their two-year old son was, and then I felt an opening to give them a Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book. I showed them my picture on the back cover and told them that my story and others were stories of hope. They were appreciative of receiving the book.
